12th December 2024 07:52

Stackoverflow - Number of High Scored Python Questions

Top Monthly Stackoverflow Python Questions

Question Score Views Answers Answered
Looking for Regex pattern to return similar results to my current function 4 67 5 True
Confusion of a code snippet in a interview 3 107 3 True
Get own pyproject.toml dependencies programatically 2 41 1 True
Combination of Non-overlapping interval PAIRS 2 60 2 True
Polars apply same custom function to multiple columns in group by 2 31 1 True
How to convert R's Tukey's HSD table into correlation matrix in Python using Pandas 2 20 2 False
AttributeError: module 'keras._tf_keras.keras' has no attribute '__internal__' 2 43 1 True
How to write pytest tests for a FastAPI route involving dependency injection with Pydantic models using Annotated and Depends? 2 27 1 False
Simulation of a Pendulum hanging on a spinning Disk 2 82 1 False
Python global variables in recursion get different result 2 40 2 True
Jupyter doesn't let me type the left square bracket 2 29 1 False
Unable to convert tiff PIL image to byte array 2 47 1 True
How do i add the same indexes from two lists together? 1 29 2 True
How to preserve order of columns when concatenating Multi-Indexed dataframes? 3 42 2 True
Why regular operations are not based on their in-place corresponding operation? 3 35 2 True
Properly accumulating data from async functions in Python 2 57 0 False
Skip level in nested JSON and convert to Pandas dataframe 2 41 2 True
Manually set values shown in legend for continuous variable of seaborn/matplotlib scatterplot 2 50 3 True
Python Tkinter resize all ttkbootstrap or ttk Button padding for a specific style, applied to all themes 2 27 2 True
How to parse and group hierarchical list items from an unindented string in Python? 2 117 0 False
How can I convert a Python multithreaded socket client/server to asyncio? 2 44 3 True
Non-Deterministic behavior in PDF library when accessing Django model in between 2 50 1 True
Regex capture group in pandas extract call for single digit followed by single letter 2 41 1 True
Calculate Relative Volume Ratio indicator in pandas data frame and add the indicator value as new column 2 58 2 True
Initial Fastapi request is not being processed and stays on hold 2 44 0 False
How would I groupby and rank in Pandas while excluding one value of the group? 1 36 3 True
How does Python logging library get lineno and funcName efficiently? 1 54 2 True
Counting nested categories in pandas/python 1 62 2 True
If I used recursion to solve Subset Product, would it "know" not to use combinations with a product > N to avoid redundancy? 1 71 3 True
Tkinter when double-clicking the left mouse button to reach the maximum height of the window, one of the buttons is activated incorrectly 4 77 2 False
Error importing Qiskit Aer when running Qiskit 3 51 1 True
Replace chars in existing column names without creating new columns 3 41 1 True
How do I update a dataframe column with a formula that uses values from other columns? 3 31 2 True
In Polars, how do you generate a column of lists, where each list is a range() defined by another column of type Int? 3 35 1 True
using Gcs match glob parameter for fetching specific files under a subdirectory in python 2 89 1 False
Pandas concat function giving "FutureWarning: The behavior of DataFrame concatenation with empty or all-NA entries is deprecated" 2 73 1 False
Annotate at the top of a marker with varying sizes in matplotlib 2 26 1 True
Why is the value and the times which the function is called different, and how does recursion work in this code? 2 67 1 True
How to resolve types in Python code with Tree-sitter? 2 130 1 False
Why is `if x is None: pass` faster than `x is None` alone? 2 105 2 True
Pandas: Calculate total timedelta of intermediate time entries 2 45 2 True
Python - Converting Date:Price list to new rows 2 46 2 True
Is there a way to use regex in python data.table (apart from re.match)? 2 46 1 True
Get the n first elements from a list where list[i][0] == 'value' 1 81 2 True
In Polars, how do you multiply a column of floats with a column of lists? 3 79 2 True
How to solve HTTP Error 400: Bad Request in PyTube? 2 387 1 True
Stacked subplots with same legend color and labels 2 44 1 True
txtai embeddings misses sentences idea 2 36 0 False
FaceBook-Scraper (without API) works nicely - but Login Process failes some how 2 63 0 False
Type inference across functions / reuse type hints 2 63 1 False
Question about difference between two expressions 2 64 2 True
Coding Runge-Kutta 4 in C++ for a Force proportional to 1/r^2 outputs a trajectory different from scipy.optimise.solve_ivp 2 92 1 True
(Python/Pandas) Subset DataFrame based on non-missing values from a column 2 34 3 True
Odoo16: Where is the docs variable used in the template defined? 2 19 1 True
Merging and concatinating simultaneously 1 44 3 True
Pandas : Fill rows and drop duplicates, but keep different values 1 66 2 True
How to make black borders around certain markers in a seaborn pairplot 5 80 2 True
How to handle inf and nans in Great Table 3 25 1 True
How can I import a .py file in IBM Quantum Lab? 3 39 1 True
Aggregate in Polars by appending lists 2 54 1 True
Stop ODE integration when a condition is satisfied? 2 37 1 True
Different embedding checksums after encoding with SentenceTransformers? 2 113 1 False
Comparison between stemmiation and lemmatization 2 12 0 False
Loop through each customer records to get the first/last channel they came from 2 76 4 True
How to keep the date in Airflow execution date and convert time to 00:00 4 99 1 True
Time-based spacing constraints in Gekko 3 55 1 True
Dynamic mocking using patch from unittest in Python 2 39 1 True
Build Palindrome from two strings 2 137 1 True
Python script to check if the Instagram user is private or public 2 41 1 True
Better option than pandas iterrows 2 51 1 True
pyspark.errors.exceptions.captured.IllegalArgumentException: Output column features already exists 2 40 1 True
How to filter a dataframe by row_id/row_number 2 49 1 True
Explode a dataframe into a range of another dataframe 2 62 1 True
Polars map_batches UDF with Multi-processing 5 93 1 True
polars rolling by option not allowed? 5 86 1 True
How to type hint an overloaded decorator that may be sync or async 3 64 0 False
Discretized function becomes complex while free propagating a real function when sampled at even number of points using FFT and IFFT in Python 3 63 1 True
How to Populate Null Values in Columns After Outer Join in Python Pandas 3 39 1 True
BeautifulSoup: iteration over 24 char (from a to z) fails : reducing the complexity to get a first insight into the dataset: 3 35 1 True
polars: efficient way to apply function to filter column of strings 3 165 2 True
Poetry: Poetry install -- with ui (ERROR: Group(s) not found: ui (via --with) 2 2805 4 True
Dealing with Non-Optimal Solutions from Gekko 2 34 1 True
How to run Rust library unit tests with Maturin? 2 68 2 False
Checking if PowerPoint placeholder is empty 2 28 0 False
How to implement the observer pattern using async iterators in Python? 2 51 1 True
How to use window function in pyspark dataframe 2 47 2 False
What am I understanding wrong about this simple asynchio example 2 37 1 True
Python Pydantic validate in a list of objects for uniqueness of id 2 46 1 True
How to get the sub-columns from a pandas DataFrame after a .groupby() and .agg()? 2 24 1 True
Pandera Column checks with another column as conditional 2 22 0 False
pandas: converting dataframe column to int following dataframe manipulation 2 43 3 True
List comprehension to remove element from python list if it is only digits (even if there are "_" or "-" in it) 2 85 3 True
fastapi oauth2 + jwt extend exp time at every request 2 35 0 False
pandas.read_csv : load only certain columns and the unnamed index 2 65 1 True
Different output showing from a source code (Machine learning) (Python) 2 25 1 True
Get absolute image's path in DRF 2 27 2 True
Slot Game in Py 2 31 3 True
In a text file, count lines from string 'foo' to first empty line afterwards. Raise exception if 'foo' not found 5 155 5 True
Polars Groupby Describe Extension 3 48 1 True
Issue linking CSS to HTML file 3 58 2 True

Top Weekly Stackoverflow Python Questions

Question Score Views Answers Answered
Looking for Regex pattern to return similar results to my current function 4 67 5 True
Confusion of a code snippet in a interview 3 107 3 True
Polars apply same custom function to multiple columns in group by 2 31 1 True
Jupyter doesn't let me type the left square bracket 2 29 1 False
How to write pytest tests for a FastAPI route involving dependency injection with Pydantic models using Annotated and Depends? 2 27 1 False
Python global variables in recursion get different result 2 40 2 True
How to convert R's Tukey's HSD table into correlation matrix in Python using Pandas 2 20 2 False
OpenTimelineIO FCP XML import fails to find clips 1 14 1 False
Linear program solver CBC seems to give 'optimal' solutions with different objective for the exact same problem (and code) 1 45 2 True
Python: Convert Markdown to html with Codeblocks like in stackoverflow 1 19 1 False
Using python OpenCV to crop an image based on reference marks 1 39 1 True
Lower triangle mask with seaborn clustermap bug 1 26 1 True
Apache Spark on Docker how to delete .parquet in volume 1 16 0 False
Maya Python script applies texture to all objects instead of selected object 1 29 1 True
Scikit-Maad -From the function rois.find_rois_cwt, I want to get a csv of the outputs so I can do my own analysis on it 1 10 0 False
Type Error - libvlc_video_set_logo_string 1 16 1 False
SQLAlchemy system-temporal ORM relationships 1 23 0 False
AWS Sagemaker MultiModel endpoint additional dependencies 1 22 1 False
MultiProcessing in Python Enduring Order of Queue 1 39 1 True
python panda ExcelWriter switching dynamic formula to array formula 1 31 1 True
Unable to convert Speech to Text using Azure Speech-to-Text service 1 46 1 True
How to adjust the output format when using the structured chat agent from langchain 1 34 0 False
How to generate a single key-press event signal with tkinter.bind method 1 55 1 True
Powerset where each element can be either "positive" or "negative" 1 54 2 True
Increase font size in tkinter for large screens 1 45 3 False
Cannot save a Custom Variational Autoencoder Model built in Keras with tensor flow 1 12 1 False
How to make my pyspark code for sieve of eratosthenes scalable for large range of numbers? 1 52 1 True
Trying to scrape a dynamic website in python with requests_html 1 23 1 False
How does orbital ordering in Qiskit Nature work? 1 27 1 False
How can I load all the elements of a webpage with Selenium? 1 12 0 False
How to flatten pandas series of series? 1 45 1 True
r equivalent of python df.to_dict(orient="list") 1 30 2 True
The KNN model I am using is always coming back at 100% accuracy but it shouldn't be 1 20 1 False
Efficiently Turn Matrix of Intersecting Routes Into Simplified Spatial Network (Graph) 1 20 0 False
How to handle regex in beautifulsoup 1 40 1 True
Problems with using the most recent version if Tensorflow 1 17 0 False
Custom json encoder not being called 1 52 1 True
Nested columns with DataFrame in Streamlit data_editor? 1 40 0 False
Execute python code from a script, line by line, in VScode and automatically jump to next command 1 26 0 False
Pyomo dae with discrete set of inputs for objective function 1 37 1 True
Workaround for "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable" in ArcGIS Import data Tutorial 1 11 0 False
Font weights in Matplotlib 1 20 1 True
pandas: sorting/re-ordering columns for a multi-level column dataframe 1 31 2 True
How can I kill a process my Python executable started with sudo? 1 56 2 True
LeetCode question Removed Duplicates From Sorted List 1 25 0 False
Capturing Images using Webcam in Jupyter Notebook 1 12 0 False
How to specify the default project to use with the BigQuery python client? 1 7 0 False
OBD-ii python library not finding obd adapter 1 16 1 True
Resolve shift/reduction conflict in grammar for expressions in PLY for calls to embedded functions 1 16 1 True
multiple figures each one with multiple graphs matplotlib + python foor loop 1 23 1 True

Top Daily Stackoverflow Python Questions

Question Score Views Answers Answered
Looking for Regex pattern to return similar results to my current function 4 67 5 True
Confusion of a code snippet in a interview 3 107 3 True
How to convert R's Tukey's HSD table into correlation matrix in Python using Pandas 2 20 2 False
How to write pytest tests for a FastAPI route involving dependency injection with Pydantic models using Annotated and Depends? 2 27 1 False
Jupyter doesn't let me type the left square bracket 2 29 1 False
Polars apply same custom function to multiple columns in group by 2 31 1 True
Python global variables in recursion get different result 2 40 2 True
LeetCode question Removed Duplicates From Sorted List 1 25 0 False
Efficiently Turn Matrix of Intersecting Routes Into Simplified Spatial Network (Graph) 1 20 0 False
Workaround for "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable" in ArcGIS Import data Tutorial 1 11 0 False
The KNN model I am using is always coming back at 100% accuracy but it shouldn't be 1 20 1 False
Cannot save a Custom Variational Autoencoder Model built in Keras with tensor flow 1 12 1 False
How do i add the same indexes from two lists together? 1 29 2 True
Font weights in Matplotlib 1 20 1 True
Saving a scipy.sparse matrix directly as a regular txt file 1 7 0 False
How to flatten pandas series of series? 1 45 1 True
Maya Python script applies texture to all objects instead of selected object 1 29 1 True
How to specify the default project to use with the BigQuery python client? 1 7 0 False
SQLAlchemy system-temporal ORM relationships 1 23 0 False
OpenTimelineIO FCP XML import fails to find clips 1 14 1 False
How to handle regex in beautifulsoup 1 40 1 True
Using python OpenCV to crop an image based on reference marks 1 39 1 True
python panda ExcelWriter switching dynamic formula to array formula 1 31 1 True
Execute python code from a script, line by line, in VScode and automatically jump to next command 1 26 0 False
multiple figures each one with multiple graphs matplotlib + python foor loop 1 22 1 True
How to generate a single key-press event signal with tkinter.bind method 1 47 1 True
How to make my pyspark code for sieve of eratosthenes scalable for large range of numbers? 1 52 1 True
pandas: sorting/re-ordering columns for a multi-level column dataframe 1 31 2 True
Resolve shift/reduction conflict in grammar for expressions in PLY for calls to embedded functions 1 16 1 True
Django admin csrf token not set 1 20 0 False
How can I load all the elements of a webpage with Selenium? 1 12 0 False
Can asyncio.sleep be stopped? 1 27 1 False
Lower triangle mask with seaborn clustermap bug 1 26 1 True
How I can use actual value which depends on date 1 41 2 False
r equivalent of python df.to_dict(orient="list") 1 30 2 True
Scikit-Maad -From the function rois.find_rois_cwt, I want to get a csv of the outputs so I can do my own analysis on it 1 10 0 False
Linear program solver CBC seems to give 'optimal' solutions with different objective for the exact same problem (and code) 1 45 2 True
Trying to scrape a dynamic website in python with requests_html 1 23 1 False
Increase font size in tkinter for large screens 1 44 3 False
Problems with using the most recent version if Tensorflow 1 17 0 False
Python: Convert Markdown to html with Codeblocks like in stackoverflow 1 19 1 False
Type Error - libvlc_video_set_logo_string 1 16 1 False
Find the grid cell to which a point belongs 1 33 0 False
MultiProcessing in Python Enduring Order of Queue 1 37 1 True
Why does it provide two different outputs with if2/if3? 1 42 0 False
Capturing Images using Webcam in Jupyter Notebook 1 12 0 False
Powerset where each element can be either "positive" or "negative" 1 50 2 True
Custom json encoder not being called 1 52 1 True
How can I kill a process my Python executable started with sudo? 1 56 2 True
Why regular operations are not based on their in-place corresponding operation? 3 35 2 True

Top Yearly Stackoverflow Python Questions

Question Score Views Answers Answered
AttributeError: module 'chromadb' has no attribute 'config' 5 3786 2 True
Python3.12 SyntaxWarning on triplequoted string `\d` must be `\\d` 5 3250 1 True
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle 5 1204 3 True
No module named 'keras.wrappers' 5 26609 4 True
AttributeError: module 'numpy.linalg._umath_linalg' has no attribute '_ilp64' 6 6153 0 False
How to set keybindings to execute Python files in Neovim using the built-in terminal? 5 2661 1 True
How to load a huggingface pretrained transformer model directly to GPU? 5 9430 1 True
Polars map_batches UDF with Multi-processing 5 93 1 True
In a text file, count lines from string 'foo' to first empty line afterwards. Raise exception if 'foo' not found 5 155 5 True
How to make black borders around certain markers in a seaborn pairplot 5 80 2 True
How to write to a SQLite database using Polars in Python? 5 103 2 True
polars rolling by option not allowed? 5 86 1 True
tkinter extension was not compiled and GUI subsystem has been detected. Missing the Tk toolkit? 5 1862 2 True
databricks-connect cannot load module in udf 6 333 0 False
LangChain with ConversationBufferMemory in Streamlit application does not work 6 2366 1 True
how to use tiktoken in offline mode computer 5 11347 4 True
Recognize text in a PDF file rotated at any angle 5 1859 5 True
In my python script why is there a syntax error on the letter "r" in rho 5 90 3 True
Polars Replacing Values Greater than the Max of Another Polars DataFrame Within Groups 6 81 1 True
How to validate access token from AzureAD in python? 5 2642 3 True
Why is Visual Studio Code saying my code in unreachable after using the Pandas concat function? 15 2291 4 True
NotImplementedError: Cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data 5 7663 2 True
Find the optimal clipped circle 11 432 2 True
Linkedin 3-legged OAuth throws 'Not enough permissions to access: GET /userinfo' 5 706 2 True
python loguru output to stderr and a file 5 3953 1 True
How to handle circular imports in SQLAlchemy 5 1800 1 True
How to define query parameters using Pydantic model in FastAPI? 6 6923 1 True
How to use to_dict and orient='records' in Polars that is being used in pandas? 5 205 2 True
Explode a polars DataFrame column without duplicating other column values 6 79 2 True
Python Enum AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'StrEnum' 6 6790 0 False
Paho MQTT 'Unsupported callback API version' error 6 10717 3 True
Installing mamba on a machine with conda 7 20055 2 True
Solve conda-libmamba-solver (libarchive.so.19) error after updating conda to 23.11.0 without reinstalling conda? 6 12077 10 True
TypeError: 'CreateEmbeddingResponse' object is not subscriptable 5 3786 1 True
No module named 'pydantic_core._pydantic_core' in AWS Lambda though library is installed for fast api based code 7 17251 8 True
ImportError: cannot import name 'VectorStoreIndex' from 'llama_index' (unknown location) 7 8135 5 True
What are the tradeoffs between jax.lax.map and jax.vmap? 5 718 1 True
How to fix "Trainer: evaluation requires an eval_dataset" in Huggingface Transformers? 5 4288 4 True
Selenium with Webdrivermanager : AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'capabilities' 5 2769 2 True
datetimes and dates should never be equal 7 245 1 True
Pydantic non-default argument follows default argument 5 77 2 True
Overriding of current TracerProvider is not allowed 7 1658 1 True
What is the best way to combine conda with standard python packaging tools (e.g. requirements.txt or pyproject.toml files)? 6 2782 1 True
I cant install ChromeDriverManager with ChromeDriverManager().install() 5 5039 3 True
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'to_capabilities'. Getting this error when running a python Script on Appium 5 8232 4 True
Hide Ultralytics' Yolov8 model.predict() output from terminal 5 6851 2 True
How to add value to default summary fields in google cloud log explorer 6 622 0 False
FastAPI generates incorrect OpenAPI 3.0.1 specification 5 1129 1 True
ImportError: cannot import name 'GPTSimpleVectorIndex' from 'llama_index' 5 11838 5 True
Why is builtin sorted() slower for a list containing descending numbers if each number appears twice consecutively? 31 2813 2 True